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tv   [untitled]    January 29, 2013 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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i thank. god. as fran celebrates military success and model would take a closer look at the possible complications the campaign could bring. egypt's military chief is this country is on the verge of collapse but says the stand for a moment containing clashes between anti-government protesters and security forces . and president obama looks to you police chiefs of the u.s. cities devastated by deadly mass shootings to support tougher gun control rules on many there's still defend their right to bear arms.
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it's midnight here in moscow are you watching r t live with me to bomb and say it's good to have you with us president francois hollande has hailed france's military intervention in mali as a success in mali an army has made major advances against islamist insurgents all with the assistance of french troops and alya archies tom botton told michael egan is and now about the progress made so far and the problems that have come with it. campaign starts with french troops about two and a half weeks ago sweeping up from the center of the country up to where these these islamist held areas meeting very little resistance really they are they go on there was an incident here in qana where in fact a french helicopter strike killed some civilians apart from that though the french
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had been welcomed with with street parties and crowds coming out to greet the convoys as they arrived in each of these towns the islamist militants retreating not wanting to stand and fight many people thinking that they have been retreating further into the deserts in the north there's only one town of appreciable size left to capture after the fall of of timbuktu without nearly without a shot fired and then it seems that the next stage of the operation will be to try and hunt out islamist militants who have gone to hide in the desert and many observers think that it's possible a guerrilla war may result in the desert there after that there is also increased involvement from other countries and ecowas force of west african troops about seven thousand five hundred of them are coming into mali to take over some garrison duties and steadily take over the fighting role from the french there's
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also been talk in brussels of e.u. troops being sent to train some of the local soldiers and the u.k. has announced it's going to send a small force but then other soldiers also to protect those those troops sent to train local soldiers as well and the new house was already involved as well and it was there was absolutely so far the u.s. has been sending aerial support it's been sending transport planes refueling planes it seems now though it's reported that the u.s. may be in negotiations with uneasy or next to mali over the possibility. all of a drone base there and those drones flying from near the border with mali could take part in these operations to try and hunt out islam is militants. there's also been talk of a u.s. base down in. the south of mali the details of that not really
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clear at the moment it is worth noting though. is very rich in natural resources oil gold you renia a lot of those exports go to france and the u.s. so we have talk of drones a u.s. base how far could this possibly spread. the question on many people's lips as the as the first phase of this operation winds up where are these militants going to go where is the violence going to go raising the fears that around the region this fighting as the militants are pushed out of the strongholds they've been in they could scatter all over the place and spread violence with them and it might be a fair argument then to say that the french might be getting a little bit ahead of themselves by claiming this is been a successful mission the u.k. government has announced it is sending three hundred fifty non-combat military personnel to mali and west africa and there's only two weeks after prime minister david cameron's pledge that no british army's booth would step on mali soil labor
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m.p. jeremy coburn says it would have been better if the prime minister had kept his promise . david cameron is getting sucked into something i don't think he's seriously thought through two weeks ago we started offering transport planes to france with insane force protection to back up the transport planes we send trainers and we have additional force protection to protect them we then have surveillance aircraft going overhead and there are reports of u.k. special forces i think we're being dragged into this the danger is the more you send any troops in trainers over anything else just suppose something awful happens like one of the training groups is killed by what a term to be insurgent forces what then happens you then go after those groups you then have a greater british military involvement we may well be in for a quite a long high tech surveillance. warfare being conducted by the french and possibly
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with britain and others. against people that know the terrain very well will be hidden by the local population this could be a very long and very nasty conflict. let's not get some more analysis on the situation in mali from independent journalists are garro to all call more and he joins us live from paris now the governor just two weeks ago david cameron said there would be no you take troops in mali now bridges sending in three hundred fifty military personnel as or more to come. i should think so yes i think they will probably send more troops within the next couple of years and probably see our goal first. i think this mission is going to be an absolute disaster i think the french already are experiencing difficulty in the ground because if eyes were not really getting that much reliable information most of the information coming through the french militaries that information is highly filtered. yeah i think
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this is going to be a long long campaign this destabilisation was caused by the libyan war when the french and the british the americans and nato cowards the need to parse supported slimmest terrorists. oversaw the gadhafi government and this is the consequence so i mean this was always lee they knew this is going to happen i think there are significant interests in the region particularly french companies like the river. and so on with a lot of uranium here in extremely rich and gold it's today still very strategically important and i think the french will probably rely more and more on backup from their nato allies because ultimately a recall a vision of the country. finally let's talk
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a little human on human rights let me just interject i want to talk a little bit about those interests the u.k.'s defense secretary says that britain has to intervene in cases the way the is a threat to its interests around the world i mean how does mali qualify you as a what interest does the u.k. have in mali. well there act very significant energy in the british b.t.r. right on the border there now i think you can see it is getting very complex context because i think we're starting to see. the power of. fighting as it were almost like the rebels they support if they're fighting among themselves like like vultures for the resources if you look at the the hostage crisis there recently you know jerry the british were very very upset with some very serious questions we asked about the whole affair still quite nebulous and chatter is another interesting turn here because chatter also was quite.
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post two questions about the french intervention are normally kept or is it is is easy is a very very important player in the nato. strategy in the region it is catarrh after all that actually finance all of these terrorist groups now tatar is the most important business partner in the region in the in the middle east so the french so there are there are there are never the same i mean there is there is a sense of rivalry but i think there is this is going to a massive operation and i think the next state that they're going to target will be syria some adults say that the differential campaign has already revealed some serious gaps in their military capabilities i know you talked a little bit on that in the beginning so that they were forced to you know offer help from the u.s. could you could we see a third party involvement be a threat to france or to france all britain's interests just i'm running out of time and i want to give the last well when they do if you like if you eat a little of the french interest in africa it may actually appear offended french
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are pursuing their interests in africa but if you look at countries like the wonder . i've actually been losing ground africa for a long time and i think this is essentially a pentagon initiative. it has been pursued by france and britain but i think the pentagon is really this is africa this is an entire military militarization of africa and control of the sources and i think the only way this can be done really is to reform cooperation but there is a question of interim period as dr so but yes the french are overextended because they're already fighting wars now on many fronts they're supporting terrorists and their lives in syria that's well established and well documented they're not fighting terrorists in in in mali what they're simply doing is attempting to get its military presence there most likely a military base in markets which they failed to get on the the. regime and so i
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think the only. main objective was yes this is this thing nato. initiative and it's a pentagon initiative it's not a common issue it is the french overextended but i think there will be very serious backup from the pentagon garro dot com on the independent and those that wish we had more time we thank you. head of egypt's army is warning that the country is on the verge of collapse after almost a week of violent and dress between the government and opposition militias earlier the cabinet pushed through a law giving the military the power of arrest while the president declared a state of emergency and curfews in three cities this was ignored by protesters who took to the streets on mass across the country calling for regime change it was no great through in the times that a compromise as the opposition acknowledged calls for a national dialogue by the president in cairo crowds continued to clash with security forces leaving piles of burning in the streets after midnight again
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co-founder of the council of trustees of the revolution in egypt says a statement by the army chief signaled the military is playing out its own things to see if. the surface interpretation of what's happening definitely there are groups who are willing to sabotage anything and try to embarrass the government specifically morsi and the military that's on the surface however there are deeper interpretations of what's going on some of the interpretation goes as far as that the military council or the military is behind all of this so that big can have. the grip over this race canal and intensify their presence militarily over there probably don't want to see an economic development of this specific strategic area because it would hand over to civilian oversight of the canal rather than military oversight of the canal according to bring you constitution there's something called
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the national defense council this council in most countries and previously had an advisory structure right now it has more of an executive branch has more military members on this board than civilians which outnumbers the civilians including the commander in chief the president which means they. can force the president to take certain decisions which we have just seen in the past couple of days when they have the commander in chief say that he will declare martial law or emergency emergency law in those specific areas. still to come this all of us seeking shelter the number of homeless people in the know said she flies. with many believing that her new government policies will only if a bad day the situation is the story and much more to show for a. wealthy
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in washington to syria now where activists and rebels say the bodies of at least sixty five young men have been found on the bank of a river in the northern syrian city of aleppo and i must warn you that you may find the following footage extremely disturbing by. of them had their hands tied behind their backs with gunshots rings to the heads the bodies were covered in mud and showed signs of the pain activists say more bodies could still be in the water at the moment there's no information on who carried out the killings let's get some more reaction now from. from the arab lawyers association all.
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right i think i'm speaking to michael prized is that correct. i know you're speaking to me so mad mullahs it musta missed the fact yes now add to this the blaming assad loyalists for the massacre while government forces point the finger of blame at the rebels so what really happened in your view well i think this is this is continuing exercise whereby the government accuses the eleven there are bills and the rebels accuse the government it looks to me and i'm not on the scene it looks to me that it's probably this is an excuse by the government we have seen a number of these horrific use of force against people by both the rebels there are on you tube there are a lot of pictures which shows and for to do it shows that the revolution abusing people and of the same time there are equally the same type of videos which shows
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the government abusing individuals so i don't think we will know the truth of that one but i have a feeling that probably this is one of the things whereby the feelings are running high the government is using absolute power from the air from the ground. many of the soldiers are beginning to feel that the revolution are agents of the of the outsiders therefore using the run this use of force many of them on abuses of human rights abuses the dignity of humanity and this is reciprocal by the other side that overthrew sions revolutionaries are using sometimes the same tactics on the basis that the government is killing innocent people woman children and what have you and of the same time you have on the side of some of the supporters of the regime are saying that the revolution is being backed by the outside world that they are all traitors and we have defending our national interests the national country so you have the government and some supporters on the one side you have on the other side
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that evolutionary is who have had enough of the dictatorship and the regime and in syria so this is continuing to. to play this difficult over especially that you have many countries in the world especially the western countries are really still backing financing supporting and giving arms to the revolution because i have a feeling that they don't care about the price that it's being paid this has been run by a lot of brands it is a little bit about some of that money that's been requested frons the syrian coalition has us western nations for more money and weapons to defeat assad but you know cash and weapons have been pouring into the hands of militants for many months what kind of future stability is the new opposition talking about then i don't think the opposition is unified enough to be able to talk to anybody or give any roadmap for the future i think this is part of the the reason why the western
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powers in particular the u.s. and france and britain. reluctant to give more and more weapons because they're not sure what's going to happen especially that they have seen the libyan experience having given all the backing to the so-called libyan revolution. with a variety of factions fighting each other. in russia and in the west have concerns about the court and court islamic terrorism and the islamist movement this fear. sometimes i think it's overestimated because they're mixing between the feeling of empty outside intervention whether it's. you have to call a nationalistic front and some of those people who are working on this basis out of religious beliefs you know i don't know it means does the syrian conflict is escalating and is costing you know more civilian lives each day with neither side
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giving in would a military intervention be the only option left at some point first of all i don't think there is a military intervention coming secondly i don't think. even a surrealistic to do it because you you're going to support what by whom to whom so it is it's just not on but i think the idea which the thought of right here and the un have been trying to do is that let's change the regime but we have to talk to the regime that idea somehow that we would not talk to to the regime because their hand is full of blood and what have you this is really a mess because the british. bands are forced to speak to this really is and is very nice to the palestinians why suddenly that you everybody becomes having clean hands and they are stopping and actually vetoing a revolution from talking to the regime but if you want to hand over the keys from of the state from one one set of people to another set you've got to discuss this and this is a situation even on domestic level when you have
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a hostage situation the police have to talk to the hostage taker this is on the assumption that the regime in syria is a hostage taker but i don't think the western powers and the outside world they have that much of credibility because their their position aside from russia which has taken actually. a more holistic view regardless of the motives but they have taken the correct motive the correct step by saying we have to stop the killing and if the regime is to be changed it has to be changed in that mechanical way politic one because you cannot do it militarily i don't think the lucian will over run the state i don't think the state can actually overrun the revolution because it has become very widespread there is division within the army there are people who are moving changing sides. rise of the civilian population and unfortunately i think the western powers generally speaking in all of them and i mean i don't want not i
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just want to touch a little bit on. the west backing of you know in terms of humanitarian aid u.s. president barack obama also rise an additional one hundred fifty five million dollars in aid for syria bringing the total to almost three hundred seventy million dollars can we be sure all this money is going to those in need and the funding rebels on the ground when i think of the first hand i think we have to realize that these figures when they're thrown it doesn't mean that this money is arriving in syria because probably less than half of it without right to syria because the other half would be consumed by the donating nation but secondly when they are talking about of distributing aid and help to the people the civilian population you have to go on and talk basis so if there is a quote unquote islamist terrorist group which has found many civilians those people they also need to have food and they also need shelter i don't think in
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circumstances like this you can actually play politics with it either you want to be humanitarian and humanitarian needs good or bad or evil with islamist or revolutionist you've got to give them help in terms of food and shelter or you want to play politics and you say just people with us so we help them and others are against us and we don't help them and i think this is the problem that the west at the present moment have in this respect and that's why the conference which took place in paris the last couple of days was just no executive but the french wanted to show that they're still in control so they had the foreign minister. talking about things but most of the nations which attended that were on a lower level politicians and the syrian opposition was really still as divided as it was before. president of the arab lawyers association thank you for
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your time. right meanwhile syria's rebel coalition is working hard to overthrow the assad regime they were recently in paris asking for aid and political backing the opposition needs cash to stay viable but its efforts to form of provisional government have so far failed art is caught up with one of the leaders of the opposition and ask him what he thinks is needed to bring peace to syria. we need this some new weapons against plays you know because bashar assad says. airplanes. villages and cities and the civilians we need to protect ourselves our children from killing every day we have more then sixteen thousand children were dead for at least twenty two months ago something unbelievable it's a what so to help syrian people in to help and syrian crisis you need weapons and
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money is that is that correct yeah sure sure and we need. support also who can cooperate with the man killed more than sixty thousand people we are concerned but we are not afraid you know because of the majority of fighter groups in syria is not extreme is not dearest only fighting for freedom and dignity and what a loss of a group from iraq are these people fighting for freedom and democracy as well they're fighting for freedom and democracy but maybe we will face some problem with them anyway they are just a smaller part of their evolution in syria. but these people recognized even by french president as extremists and terrorists all over the word you can find extremists but they're not their real picture only
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a small part of it please denies that. so you are absolutely sure that you will be able to control them these people you're very sure very sure about that. right we've also received news that a russian war reporter has been wounded and drink coverage of the syrian government employees. to liberate and mosque near damascus was hit in the head by a shot from a rebel sniper and taken to a hospital doctors say in a stable condition. of france's labor minister has sent shivers down the spines of his compared to announcing that the country is a bankrupt states in a radio interview on sunday michel supping later rebuttal of the comments saying it was a joke executive director at divi advices patrick young doesn't see the funny side of things the problem is the french government is the biggest economic actor in
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france it spans the equivalent of fifty six point five percent of all of the economic activity the only other countries that spent more apart from sweden than the european union are places like north korea and we all know those are not the world's most prosperous nations there is absolutely no question the french need incredible radical economic reform it was not present on the sarkozy administration and frankly the feckless and incompetence of mr hall on the president has resulted in the situation we have noise massive outpouring of cash for these two three billion euros that's the equivalent of about two percent of the entire economy left the country just during october and november last year let's face it the last time the french government balance their books was in the middle of the nineteen seventies france is in appalling prices and barely half the country are paying income tax you've got
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a situation where in fact public opinion is not starting to realize that france is bankrupt poland figaro today eighty percent of people agreed with mr suttles comments it's no joke what mr sipe on said it's the truth. twenty one people have been killed in a plane crash in kazakstan a plane carrying five crew and sixteen passengers went down near the city of all marty in the country's south after one pm local time no one is reported to have survived the challenger two hundred job rated by aig has a company's scat was under an internal flight and crash while trying to land in harsh weather conditions investigators have recovered the plane's flight recorders and are now examining the data now to some other world news this hour a suicide bomber has blown himself up inside of somalia and didn't show palace in mogadishu into people and injuring three others detonated his explosives outside
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the main gate of the residence after being stopped by guards for questioning the president was out of the country at the time of the attack. in belgium police have dispersed the thousands of protesting steel workers with tear gas and water cannon several people were injured in the clashes the protest was against planned to plant closures which could lead to the loss of thirteen hundred jobs the firm which announced the plans along with other steel companies face a lack of demand for steel and iron ore this is potentially another blow for belgian workers after the recent announcement of four cough extreme will shut down . britain which was once proud of having some of the most effective legislation in the world to fend of homelessness now has over fifty thousand people sleeping rough and with the government assuring in public sector spending cuts in an attempt to battle the country's financial troubles.


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